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Blog | It’s great to be Green!
By Trevor Gough

Yes, now we’re back in Green status we can all focus on getting ‘back to normal’ to give all our members the great, safe Scouting we’ve always been used to. I’ve heard of some wonderful ways in which our adult volunteers provided activities during lockdown and while in Yellow – no wonder so many of our youth members have come running back for more! However, we still need to be careful not to get complacent and to check regularly. 


This weekend, we’re doing our bit for “The Queen's Green Canopy - Plant a Tree for the Jubilee” by planting 2000 saplings at the Leslie Sell Activity Centre. A large number of our younger members, supported by adult volunteers, will be there digging away to get all these plants in the ground. They will certainly be in the green!


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Bedfordshire Scouts

Leslie Sell Activity Centre, Molivers Lane, Bromham, Bedfordshire, MK43 8LD

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