News and Blogs

Spring into Scouting with the East of England hub!
By David Moult

Launched today! – Programmes for All

Hi Scouters!
We are really excited to announce the launch of our Spring into Scouting Challenge built using our new online Programme Hub.
This new support service is brought to you based on feedback from leaders across the East of England like you. 
The Programme and Perception teams from across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk have been working hard to bring you this easy-to-use Programme resource for use during and after the pandemic! 
We have designed two ways for accessing hundreds of programme ideas: 

Spring into Scouting Challenge  

Out of the box 

Programme Hub 

Pick and mix 

The Challenge offers a weekly activity idea that can be shared with your young people or used as a part of your weekly programme of Virtual Scouting. All the activities will be themed around Spring and can also be used towards badgework for each Section. There will be a special 'Spring into Scouting' badge available too. The programme launches very soon and will run every Monday for 6 weeks when an activity will be posted for each section.  

If you’d prefer to put your own programme together you can select specific activities using a programme search engine to find exactly what you’re looking for. 

The hub is packed with great online, home assignment and socially distanced programme ideas for you to choose from.  

Available at 

Check out our East of England Facebook, Twitter & Instagram pages!



We really hope that you join us with this challenge and look forward to seeing all of the young people’s efforts. Watch out for more news very soon! 


Best Wishes,  

The East of England Scouts Perception Team 



Bedfordshire Scouts

Leslie Sell Activity Centre, Molivers Lane, Bromham, Bedfordshire, MK43 8LD

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